House Inhabit on Martha!

Wanted to share the good news: 

Etsy PR informed us last week that House Inhabit is going to be featured on the Martha Stewart show this Thursday as part of their Etsy special! I'm not sure as to what this feature entails exactly, but they did request a background story as to why we started the teepees and a picture of our family so it sounds like it might be a big deal for our shop. Matthew Stinchcomb, Esty's European marketing director has been very good to us from the start. After he saw our teepee in their summer look book a couple months back he purchased one for his son and then arranged this Martha slot. We feel so grateful for all the support and success our shop has received in the 6 short months it's been open. Etsy is an incredible community to be part of. I can't praise enough the power it's handed to local artists with skills all across the board. The fact that you can now take your vision and craft (whatever it may be) and house your creations in a virtual shop around the world is kind of genius. I've been a stay at home mom for 6 years now, and as crazy hectic and chaotic as our home life is at the moment, this shop has been a saving grace. The best outlet for me as far as creative means (and business go) I am really looking forward to what our future in the site holds. 

The other exciting venture we have going is outfitting a local kid's shop with a big version of our boy's pipe shelving unit. It's a great space with tons of really neat kid's stuff. so it's right up our alley. Can't wait to share that project as it comes up!

As for the Martha Show: Seeing that Thursday is going to showcase all kinds of really amazing Etsy shops and artists, as well as offer up tips for setting up shop, selling and promoting, it should be a worth your DVR attention. If you're interested - tune in on the Hallmark Channel Thursday at 7am PT and 10am E.

Hope everyone is off to a great start this week!