This weekend, finally, Leon's little box of wooden tops arrived. We ordered them a couple weeks ago after I noticed how fascinated he was by a tiny plastic one he was given in an Easter basket, and he's been anxiously awaiting their arrival ever since (Because I've misplaced our mail key, we only manage to pull our mail when we are home, and can psychically chase down the mail guy, so sometimes it takes longer than it should to receive such things)
Luckily, they did not disappoint. Not only are they beautifully crafted, but they are proving quite the hit amongst the whole neighborhood crew. All weekend long they spun and competed with them around the house, in the backyard and on the porch. Funny how the simplest toys usually end up providing the most joy. Especially with boys I've noticed. But then again, that's all I know.
So their collection begins.
And man, are we having a hard time picking our next addition with so many neat choices to choose from here.