Scenes from a weekend // the start of December

A long, cold weekend filled with a little rain, plates piled high with their Grandma's famous turkey and all the other good stuff that goes along with it. We ate,  A LOT, we slept, we worked and worked, and worked. Mike, in the garage from the sunrise till nearly ten every night trying to get on top of the holiday orders before we can close up shop and enjoy that short winter break. We did manage to carve out some time for a nice big Thanksgiving breakfast at home, the skatepark, dinner with old family friends and even one meal out, just us, that went surprisingly well for how exhausted we all were by the end of Sunday evening. We wrapped gifts and watched a lot of whole lot of Christmas movies. We failed to take the holiday boxes down from the attic, like they would have liked, or string lights on the house, but we're hoping to get there sometime this week. And a tree. We desperately need a tree. That seems to be first on their list (mine too) so, hopefully, fingers crossed, maybe tomorrow...

For now, the second day of December has me settled in a that old familiar feeling.  Slight panic & new joy in anticipating all that goes along with the season, while dreading the list of events wrapped around birthdays, parties and dates we willing agree to as part of "tradition" every year. Somehow, it will all work out. I know that by now. But I also know it will be messy, and frenzied, stressful and non-stop along the way. And fun. So much fun. Which is why I'm careful to remind myself that in the end, it's the memories of the month that last a lifetime. All the rest seems to fade just as quick as it comes.

So here's to the start of December,

And lots of luck to us all.