I think it's safe to assume that anyone who visits the Ace hotel walks away feeling a little inspired. Sparse, mod decor, cool canvas and pipe contraptions everywhere. And the overall relaxed vibe the hotel has so perfectly mastered is sort of intoxicating. Plus they have an amazing pool and a great cafe.
Needless to say, I was impressed. Especially by their lobby pipe/wood shelf unit. I had seen images of Morgan's version over at The Brick House floating around the web and decided it would be the perfect solution for that big empty wall in the boy's newly redone master room we had been trying to figure out how to fill within practical means. In other words, we wanted something cool but also a place to store toys and supplies. There are LOTS of them attached to 3 little ones.
Because Mike happens to a union pipe fitter by trade, all the material came free and he was actually really excited about this particular project. A few things we changed to suit our likes were the size of the pipe (Mike insisted we use 1 inch pipe because the wood width we choose was thicker) reclaimed wood planks that had to be sealed multiple times to ensure a smooth surface, as well extending the base of the entire unit to allow room for a desk (designated homework spot!) and then left space beneath the last shelf for two wooden carts we plan to put on casters to store their favorite toys. Blocks and Lego's that are easily accessible & they can roll around the room. But first things first.
Here is the finished version to date. I've had fun rearranging their stuff and figuring out what belongs and what doesn't. Also what they need (art utensils/school supplies) and what makes for a visually interesting centerpiece. Not as easy as it seems. I'm sure I'll be messing with it forever. But so far, I am super happy with how it turned out. Seems perfect for a little boy's space.
Now on to the next thing.
Labels: home works