Friday, June 30, 2017

Wabi Sabi Welcome

The arrival of Wabi - Sabi Welcome, by Julie Pointer Adams, couldn't have landed on my doorstep at a better time. Just as we are settling into this new space, still getting a feel for the direction we want to go (design & structure wise) while feeling slightly dizzy with indecisiveness, this book serves as a kind of compass for those embracing home decor that leans on casual, imperfectly arranged interiors. Which is exactly what we are seeking this time around. An easy, relaxed, worn beach vibe inspired by our natural surroundings that will hopefully become the basis for a space that feels bright, warm, eclectic, and personal. One that openly welcomes friends and warrants plenty of reasons for entertaining, which is pretty much the basis of wabi-sabi mindset. 

The book is not strictly a visual reference though, rich in text it explores "what wabi-sabi looks and feels like" around the globe. Highlighting specific areas in Japan, Denmark, California, France, and Italy. With Pointer's intentions being to write a book for anyone "hungry to share his or her home and life in a simpler, less perfection -seeking way." With delightful recipes, tips on clearing out clutter from the Danes, how to set a table in Japan, and plenty other resourceful aides aimed at helping create a sparse but homey house disconnected from the want of more and better things. Offering instead - a stripped down alternative to the sleek, perfection seeking images we see in so many home interiors these days while scrolling through social media on the daily. Where the majority of what we come across tends to be more or less a recycled variation of the same thing. Tossing all personal style aside for more trendy safeguards. 

Another perk I really love in the book, and found helpful, is the addition in back where a list of resources are named and arranged in categories such as:

Food Blogs, Cookbooks, and Magazines 
Go-To's for Home Basics
Inspiring Interior Designers
Further Reading on Wabi-Sabi

I found quite a few new sites worth late night delving in this section and have since bookmarked many of them for further reference.

In short, wabi sabi is about clearing out the crap, honing in on the things you truly love, finding beauty in the imperfections, and creating warmth in the house you keep. And JPA does a lovely job at  convincing us to give it a go.  

You can purchase it here on Amazon. 


  1. So enjoying the peeks into this process your family is going through and just how you see the world and your life through such a thoughtful lense. I know it's not all perfection and beautiful moments but in a small way it gives me courage to dream up big changes for my own family.

  2. I recently bought this too! I love it, I love that "shopping" is not part of the wabi sabi aesthetic. An interesting life makes for an interesting home. I actually was drawn to the book by seeing the images of entertains around the table - in France I think? Such a warm feeling sharing your home
