Friday, July 28, 2017

In Between Vacations & Renovations

I woke up this morning shocked to see the date, realizing the month has nearly escaped us. All of July has consisted of vacations and renovations and recovering during downtime from the both of them. I'm here back home for a bit before taking off once again up the coast headed for Big Sur, staring at a pile of drywall and wood that came busted out of ceiling of the boy's room while I was away, wondering how in the world it'll all ever get done. And yet excited by this progress. That we are knee deep in the dirty haul of this renovation. Taking it day by day, clinging to solid (ever extending) deadlines to manifest visions of what end results we hope will amount. Also letting ourselves feel the house out before deciding entirely on the direction it takes. Which plenty of people kindly reminded me to do.

And naturally far behind on blogging. I've set aside a full day this weekend to draft a series of posts to land here next week. Touching on everything from our major construction plans outlined, to our recent pairing with Airbnb, as well as an essay on the art of doing nothing. Which July didn't have much time for, but anyway...

See you then,

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