Monday, August 7, 2017

Home Decor / Design Books

Call me old school but even with an endless array of alluring images to scroll through these days in way of handsome home styling on Pinterest, I still prefer a good ole' hard cover decor book when it comes to gathering design inspo. But then again I suppose I'll always be partial to print. Hard copy material with a little texture, wear and weight that I can hold on my lap at the beach or in bed. Flip though and study like a painting over time. As it seems no matter how many images I pull, or how pretty or inspiring they exist there on my little inter-hub of neatly categorized housing ideals online, my inclination is always page over pins. 

Through the years I've collected a series of beloved home decor books. A good variety that leans heavy on modern, mission /craftsman, beach cottage, and rustic bungalow. All aspects I'm hoping to include in someways in this renovation. Though the idea of coming to the point of actual "decor" seems so far off it hurts. Because I've had a lot of inquiries lately to the bits and pieces of books I've been posting on my Instagram stories, I figured I'd list them here for anyone looking for new reason for a good end of summer book splurge. 

Here's exactly what I have on rotation that I'm referring to currently for design angels and decor

The The Monocle Guide to Cosy Homes
"A survey of everything you need to build the residence you want." Basically how to turn a house into a home in the cozy (est) way possible. The entire Monocle series is a good one to look into. The home one though is a beautifully bound book I bought last year chalk full of some really helpful insight to everything from "clutter free rooms" to "living abroad" to "genuine comfort" - The kind of book you can get visually lost in seeing various residences highlighted from around the world embracing all aspects of design. 

California Beach Houses / Style, Interiors and Architecture
This one I dug up recently upon unpacking and fell in love with all over again. The book was published in '96 but the selected images and quality of the book are timeless. There are a few images here I'm utterly obsessed with. The "Nathanson House" in Malibu for starters. 

Beach Houses by Andrew Geller
"The book is a wistful celebration of a lost era when the world was a much bigger place and oceanfront property a relatively affordable commodity." -Metropolis

A gorgeous hazily photographed collection of Geller's funky mod beach dwellings. Most of which have sadly been leveled or redone. But the beauty he creates inside these often plain spaces is quite mesmerizing. And his wood planked built in seating is the basis of my vision for the boy's room. Sparse but inviting. Mod but relaxed. A lovely book suitable for any coffee table with taste. 

Apartmento Magazine
"An everyday Life Interiors Magazine" that showcases all kinds of colorful home dwellings, artful and unique. A bi-annual publication I live for and ingest entirely upon it's arrival twice a year. I buy used versions on Amazon who's pages also come in handy for aiding art projects and card making. 

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