Friday, September 29, 2017

Cliff Kid's Adventure Games

When I was first offered the opportunity to work in extended collaboration with CLIF Kid it was one I embraced immediately. Not only because we are longtime fans of the brand but also because they are a company I respect greatly in their endorsing active lifestyles and inspiring adventure in the every day. They support and promote local business, are vocal and proactive about pressing issues, in specific - climate control and global warming, and remain a positive example of what big brands can accomplish without sacrificing the kind of grass roots integrity they are founded on. And these days we could certainly use more like them.

Basically I have only praise in support of the Clif bar company. The original bars, back in the day, were my main source of mid-day fuel during the college years. When life on the go makes for an easy excuse to skimp on food, and, well, nutrients in general. Since then, CLIF Kid bars have become a mainstay in our family as far as beloved snack options go. The scene at this house whenever a new delivery arrives play like the hunger games to that after school famine. I always keep a box on hand and appreciate the fact that their gluten free options are just as delicious as the rest. Which Leon will tell you sadly is not always the case with such things. 

Earlier this month, as part of this partnership, we were invited to attend the Kid's Adventure Games up in Big Bear. A thrilling timed obstacle race constructed along the mountain side which seeks to emphasize "teamwork, problem solving, sportsmanship, environmental awareness and fun." Where the kids cross the finish line, "muddy, sweaty, smiling and full of pride." Arlo and his friend Jamal competed as a team in the three mile course and had a blast making their way to the finish line in a run that entails everything from rock climbing, to zip lining, to water sliding, to mountain bike riding and plenty of other fun and filthy obstacles along the way. I think we had an equally great time though watching and rooting them on from the scenic sidelines. Enjoying that crisp mountain air on a breezy Saturday with perks of free snacks for the boys and a full bar on deck for us. All in all a lovely day in the name of big adventure. One we're likely to return to again down the line. 

Until then, many thanks to CLIF Kid for having us. For always inspiring new and creative means of outdoor exploration and remaining true to the same esteemed intentions that started them.

More info on the Kid's Adventure Games Here

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