Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Home Works / Renovation Part 1 / Boy's Room

After being slightly overwhelmed about where exactly to start with all of this, Mike and I concluded it would make the most sense to kick off the renovation mid July, by tearing into the smallest space in the house. The smallest, which also happens to be my favorite. Simply because the lighting is ideal no matter the weather, and the view - which claims one whole wall thanks to french doors that swing open and (at certain hours of the day) reminds me of a kind of fairy tale setting with it's flush of green tree tops framing the hillside behind it, dotted with houses that account for a seriously breath taking sight right around sunset.

From the start we knew we wanted to keep the room as airy and inviting as possible. Without scarifying the functionality that any kid's room demands. Meaning incorporating plenty of creative means for toy storage, art supplies, homework, ect.

We drafted the final reconstruction of the room pretty quickly, after finalizing ways to combine all the elements we needed. We started by tearing out the ceiling to allow exposed beams to give it some height. And then arranging built in designs to keep floorspace open. The bunks taking the place of the closet, which was already half way notched into the space, and a new floating closet cut into the wall beside it where hallway storage on the other side was deep enough to be divided in half - to remain part wardrobe storage for them and a more shallow (but much needed) linen closet for us on the opposite end.

What we didn't realize was just how much time and work this particular style built in would actually entail. Mike swears it could end up being one of the most time consuming aspects of the entire home renovation. And I think at this point I think I'm starting to believe him. With so many planks of wood involved, having to be trimmed, cut and nailed in place. Holes to patch, sand, measure, primer, paint, cut, and repaint. The list goes on and on. Like it always does.

As of now, we're nearing the finish line but still a far cry from any kind of celebratory pat on the back.

Completed so far:
Bed frames, primed and ready for final paint (color to be determined)
Wood beams nailed and secured along ceiling
Antique portholes sealed, plastered, and secured on both sides of the house

What's next:
Built in seating area serving as extra pull out bed + toy storage
Floating wood desk and shelving for art supplies
New attic door added to top bunk ceiling to make for easier attic access
Insulation above beams
One door frame eliminated, patched, and textured
Wood lined closet divided to hold two wardrobes for Hayes and Rex
Wood swing added ceiling

It's going to be a great space, though anyone who's ever lived in / through this kind of major renovation knows, it really does start to wear on your sanity. As exciting as it is to see various visions taking shape, I can't help but feel desperate to start putting it all back together. Yearning for some order, a fairly organized closet space. Bins designated to particular toys. And shelves to wrangle books that are currently scattered around the entire house. I have to remind myself to hang in there. Knowing everything we have in mind for the spaces will be worth it in the end, lending plenty of warmth and character to a house that could very well end up our "forever home." And that patience during the process is key. Disarray is temporary, and no matter how trying it feels on certain days, I have to believe there will come a day when I come home, sink into bed and look around to admire all the work we put in here. That came out exactly as we hoped. 

Because without that that little token of faith to cling to during the wreck of destruction, we're all just shuffling around in saw dust with dirty feet, desperate for any kind of end in sight. And by now, I know it's safe to assume that it's always later than sooner with these intended deadlines we try so hard to cling to. Even, unfortunately, when you're sleeping with the contractor (who has a penchant for mid afternoon surf breaks during particularly trying projects) manning it all.


  1. Very good written article. It will be supportive to anyone who utilizes it, including me. Keep doing what you are doing – can’r wait to read more posts.

  2. Lovely carpentry. Great job you've done here! Great inspiration for us as we have a super team of joiners who make all sorts of bespoke furniture and cabinets. Keep it up! :-)

