Friday, October 13, 2017


Living in this perfectly simple white jumpsuit.

Dreading the next phase of renovation. Busting all the flooring out, down to the dirt to repour portions of the foundation before new flooring can even be considered. And new flooring is all I think about.

Watching and loving (despite dim online reviews) Gypsy with Naomi Watts on Netflix. Because I'll take all the dismal suburban dramas, all of the time.

Loving this incredible little projector on Amazon that allows us to watch movies on the (many) bare walls of this house until we reconfigure the whole TV situation here.

Drafting visions of an all plaster bathroom to most practically accommodate a house full of five boys that will allow it to be sprayed down with a hose, because this is where we're at in life right now.

Obsessing over Terrace Conran interiors. I bought a few books online and have been referring to them regularly for fresh kitchen inspo.

Feeling guilty about and therefore trying to work on the modern issue we're all guilty of: "phubbing"

Reading up on five ways to reduce gun violence in America

Saving this to read by the pool (in peace) later this weekend

Praising the latest endeavor from Airbnb - A travel magazine dedicated to "human stories from around the globe, infused with local flavor." And just as amazing as you'd guess. 

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