Thursday, October 19, 2017

Stuck ON


It's funny, how things tend to spring up right when you need them most. This being the case in stumbling upon the series by Amanda De Cadenet, called "The Conversation" which for some crazy reason I'd never heard of before. But was desperately craving. I've always liked Amanda, and this series in particular has rooted my adoration that much deeper.

It's what I've been listening to in the kitchen early morning for the past two weeks, while making lunches and having coffee. I've been feeling newly bored with pod casts and not into music that early in the day so every morning I look forward to putting on a new interview and swear it's been the best way to begin my day. In the familiar company of "girl talk" which is basically what she's embracing here talking intimately about things that matter to all of us, body issues, sex, femininity, depression, careers, motherhood, etc. But in a very real, raw context usually spared in these kinds of Hollywood interviews.

Busy Philipps was the first one I found (and fell in love with) but each and every women offers something unique. Something inspiring. And is certainly proving the best company to my 6am hour. So check it out and let me know what you think.

A few of my favorites 

Jamie King

Connie Britton

Zoe Saldana

Milla Jovoitch 

Lady Gaga 

Hilary Clinton

1 comment:

  1. Ditto! One of my favorite things to have on in the background when I'm puttering around the house. I especially love Amanda de Cadenet's back story of being an amateur photographer with a vision. Cheers to all of us who feel like hacks but are doing it anyway! :)
