Friday, September 16, 2016

Questions Commonly Asked

A list of some basic questions I am most commonly asked by readers, follows or just friends in general. Figured answering them here might be the easiest way to address them all in one place for future reference. Hope it helps!

1. What filters do you use on Instagram?
I use Vsco, like everyone else you probably follow. Because photo edits, like all things, come in trends. Remember when we first signed on and everybody was nuts for the Nashville edit, purple hued glow with the Polaroid square border? Only to be replaced by narrowly cropped white bordered pictures, edited with stark, crisper clean colors. Whereas now the "it' thing seems to be more of a warm golden tone apparent in lots of the vsco options. I would say lately I use A4 and M5 most often. But to a lesser intensity. And with some slight alterations to bring down the boldness. I prefer a little less saturation and a slight fade to my shots only because it's what my natural eye seems most drawn too. But honestly so many feeds look the same to me these days it's really hard to know how to stand out anymore based simply on one's photos. I suppose at some point I kind of stopped trying. Though I would say that a little California sunflare goes a long way.

2. Where do you buy your clothing?
My wardrobe, like my furniture, is mostly second hand. Or from the flea markets that I visit and always end up finding things the easiest. I literally despise malls (always have) and do everything in my power to ensure that I don't have to endure them unless it's a fashion emergency. So if it's not a thrift find I'm wearing it's probably snagged online. Or gifted (which is always a great and much appreciated treat!)

3. What kind of camera do you shoot blog photos // Videos with?
A used Canon Mark 5d that Mike found for a steal on ebay. And I edit home movies in imovie.

4. What does you husband do?
The instinctual answer being: EVERYTHING. The practical one being, a Foreman for the sprinkler fitter union based out of Orange County, installing commercial fire sprinklers. Aside from that, everything. From sewing our shop samples, to rebuilding and renovating VW buses he finds sometimes across the country to flip as way of extra income, to making teepees, recycling metal discarded on job sites, to building custom furniture I draw out for him, to selling vintage instruments, to concrete and electrical work, plumbing, gas and landscape. There is almost nothing I've seen him give up on. Which also means we almost never pay anyone to fix our cars or houses. We don't have contractors, or gardeners. Or even a plumber or mechanic most of the time so anything we have is what he's managed to build or mend for us. In fact the last time my jeep's engine went out he watched a couple you tube videos until he figured out how to fix it himself to save us a grand. And when we wanted to move from our first house years ago he sold it himself, saving us enough money to pocket for all the upgrades we knew we were going to need at our next house. Basically Mike is the ultimate "handy man" - which was one of the main reasons I was so impressed (and attracted) to him from the start. That kind of determination is infectious. To a degree anyway - I'm still prone to give up like a three year old - but it allows for much less idle time on my end. And I can see why nailing his actual occupation is confusing. It's hard to know where it starts and ends. Even for me. Even all these yeas later. Which is hard to come by these days. So he is entirely deserving of the praise he gets because of it. I've yet to come across anyone with the same energy and determination as Mike. Odds are you probably haven't either.

5. Where did you get your son's names?
I was always anti "themed" kid's names, but somehow ended up falling prey to the trend. My boy's names are all musically based. Arlo, for Guthrie. Leon for Redbone and Russel, Rex for T Rex and the VanZandt song "Rex's Blues," and Hayes for Carl. Whom I was publicly crushing while pregnant.

7. Where do you live?
Contrary to what is most commonly assumed, we live in Corona. But are frequently in and around L.A (for various reasons) and San Clemente (mostly due to surf / skate opportunities) I've lived in this town my whole life. Most members of my family are here too which is a huge part of why we've stayed so long. Having their help so close by has been a life saver. But we are excited to be moving sometime in the Spring of next year. (Or whenever our house sells, which could take awhile since we're planning on doing it again without agents) 

8. Where do you find things for you house?
Same as my clothing, at second hand haunts. I like my housewares to feel aged. To have some history  attached to them. Ordering from the big name catalogues through the years has lost most of it's appeal for me. I grew up in an old historic house full of antiques so I always had an innate appreciation for collectors, and vintage things. Now I pick up furniture when I see them offered at a great price wherever I can find them. I'm a big believer in the notion that big money does not equate great style so my favorite home decor tends to reflect personal taste over, say, popular points on trend. I like walking into a house that feels lived in. I also like a little clutter, and books, and full shelves and art. And general worn in home vibes.

9. Do you have instructions for the pipe shelving unit you built?
Regretfully I do not. We never anticipated when we built it for the boy's room a few years ago that it would garner the Pinterest attention that it did. Or the amount of emails I would receive in regard to the nature of it's construction and design. Had I known, I would have detailed the progression of it much more precisely. And included instructions too. At the time, it was just a very convenient addition to our house seeing how Mike got the pipe and reclaimed wood beams (used for commercial scaffolding on a job site) for free so it allowed us to make a very cool and convenient desk / shelving unit for next to nothing. It was a fun project to collaborate on. I'm looking forward to working on more custom endeavors together on our next go round.

10. What kind of dog do you have?
Jack is a rescue pup my friend Kristin fostered because the shelter holding him was going out of business and he was scheduled to be put down the day he was rescued. She kept sending me photos of him, insisting that he belonged with our family and I said no a handful of times before finally agreeing to meet him. When I did he jumped up and hugged me and I knew I couldn't leave him behind. Taking him home turned out to be one of the best decisions I've ever made. He's proved the very best dog we could ask for. Loyal, calm, loving, doesn't run away and is as low maintenance as they come. Anyone who visits tends to fall in love with his affection. Plus, he adores me. He sleeps with whatever article of clothing I had on before I left the house and sneaks into my car every chance he gets fearing he's missing out on some kind of family adventure. Luckily we try and take him almost everywhere we go. As for breed, his papers say he's a "poodle mix."

11. Do you work out?
Not as much as I should.

12. How do you "do it all?"
I don't. I live mindful (and slightly stressed) about a million things I should be tying up or tending to on a day to day basis, but I do the best I can. Some days it's enough and some days I fail them all. I just figure as long as we're still moving forward and the kids are fed and bathed and loved we're good. But I do stay up late and rest very rarely. Neither of which I'm particularly proud of. But there is always room for improvement and I am forever searching out news ways of balancing life as it is at this moment. I'll never stop regretting having only 24 hours in a day though. Especially with so much great television now that unfortunately I don't have much time for anymore.

Post footnotes:
- Yesterday's new test shots on my old polaroid camera my friend found at a thrift store in Brooklynn for 12$. I'm still learning what works and what doesn't but the trial and error ain't with this hobby cheap. The double exposure was an accident that reminded me how with instant film usually the best shots are the ones you don''t plan. 

- The dress is a beautiful gift by the lovely ladies of Doen (found here) and perfectly suited for Fall. 

- Here comes the sun tee available here

- Not pictured: the sweetest off duty fry cooks who offered to take this photo of me with my boys in front on my favorite back ally wall.  


  1. I had no idea I was supposed to ask you a question for a FAQ post! I want to know all of the places to go/eat/shop/see when I make a California road trip next summer!! I already have San Onofre on the list. Any other tips? You can put it in your next FAQ post if you want. ;)

    1. Oh gosh! I've never even thought of doing a "must see" list of So Cal. I only attempted to answer a handful of things asked of me most frequently as easy means of reference. But I'll definitely put together an all encompassing guide at some point - for you especially - before your trip. Sounds like a fun thing to work on. Thanks for writing!


  2. Oh, that would be great thank you so much. We'll be there in June. ;)
