Thursday, November 24, 2016

Where the Mountains Meet the Sea

Most of us are still in bed this morning, lounging as long as possible before the bustle of Holiday duties comes calling. But in the midst of my regular news reads I just stumbled upon this most intriguing couple in interview opening up their stunning dream home - hand built in the 60s and designed on a cigar box - over on Freude VonFreuden. What's far more inspiring than the gorgeous architecture and stellar design aspect though is the story behind a home their family have a hand in building.

Listen to them speak about the significance of it and see if it doesn't sweep you away too. Of all the things I read this morning this one was by far most uplifting. What beauty resides in their home and union.

And a very Happy Thanksgiving to anyone reading here this morning, on brief break before the oven pies and stuffing steal you.

"Do you enjoy working together?
Gawie: I think it’s very nice.
Gwen: We fight sometimes. We work together. We push it."

Full Article Published Here


  1. oh goodness, i can't thank you enough for sharing this!!

    1. I'm so happy you loved it as much as me. I'm literally now obsessed with these two.

  2. This is beautiful. I love the simplicity of how they started. Their perseverance. Their respect for each other, their craft, their world.

    1. RIGHT?! That's what is most inspiring. How humbly this house began. And what a great story it has as it's history.

  3. Wow. I'm just going to show up on their doorstep, ask them to adopt me and hope for the best!

  4. This is the best thing. I just got sucked into their little corner of the world and I'm sad that I can't stay. Thank you for finding and sharing this! Relationship goals for sure.

    1. Welcome! I spent the whole morning reading and watching anything I could on them. They're such an inspiring pair.
